Hail Saten
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Wrestling With Writer’s Block by Maurice Broaddus
Letters From Hell
Hail Saten
The last few years have been a time of remarkable growth for indie horror, but we once again find ourselves standing at the crossroads of a convergence of change. The closure of Book Depository is certainly a negative, but the news that Ingram is doing away with set-up fees is a huge boon (see Market News for more on both of these).
But there are two other factors that aren’t being talked about a lot, so I want to focus on them a little bit now.
The first is the rumor that Barnes & Noble is limiting the number of indie titles store managers can order per month. This was first mentioned by one rather “online” store manager, and it was echoed by a few others, but having now talked to nearly two dozen individual B&N store managers, I’m convinced the situation is not nearly as dire as it was first made to sound.